Thursday, 25 February 2010

Avodas Tzedakah (How to Give Charity)

Difficulty 2

Based on Lekutei Sichos Chelek Alef:

The commentators on the Torah ask the question; Why is the Golden Alter mention at the end of Parshas Tetzaveh, where as the rest of the vessels of the Mishkan(tent of meeting) are mentioned in the previous Parsha, Parshas Terumah?

One can possibly answer that the reason the the construction of the Golden Alter is mentioned after all the other vessels and services in the Mishkan, the dwelling place for G-d in this physical world, is that the service of the Golden Alter was the culmination and ultimate expression of all the other holy services.

It states in the Yerushalmi Talmud(m. Yoma) on the Posuk(verse), "No man shall enter the Tent of Meeting", that this means that no one, not even angels can enter there, rather only the Cohen(priest) to do his divine service and G-d with him. The only service that was done there every day was that which took place on the Golden Alter, the burning of the incense. From this we can see the loftiness of the Golden alter and the burning of the incense that took place upon it.

This idea of Divine Service in the Mishkan also has its parallel in man's personal Divine service, even in todays day and age.

This high level of Avodah(Divine Service) that took place in the Mishkan corresponds in general to Torah and Mitzvos in mans service and specifically to the Mitzvah of Tzedakah(literally righteousness, i.e. charity). In the same way that when the Cohen burned the incense on the Golden Alter, i.e. that he was alone, himself and G-d, so too we should give Charity alone. One should not strive to be known for the charity he gives, but rather it should be personal between him and G-d.

By doing this Avodah properly it will arouse G-d to return us the Avodah that Tzedakah parallels, the burning of the incense in Beis Hamikdash HaShlishi(the third Temple), the eternal edifice for G-dliness and Righteousness in this world, which will come about through Moshiach Tzidkenu, may it happen now.

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